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Money, Power, Respect:

The 7-FigurED™️ Blueprint Tour

It's Time.

More than that: it’s your time.


ATL → Saturday, June 8th, 2024 from 9am-1pm EST
Houston → Saturday, June 15th, 2024 from 9am-1pm CST 
NYC → Saturday, July 20th, 2024 from 9am-1pm EST 
D.C. → Saturday, July 27th, 2024 from 9am-1pm EST
How often have you been told that your job as an educator is to take care of your students or staff? To inspire them to do better (whatever “better” actually means)? That the best thing you could do for them is put them first?

That you should put your head down and do the work, that you shouldn’t reach for more than what’s already been “given” to you because you got a good job with  benefits. 
You should be humble

Here’s the problem with that word…

Being humble implies you’re supposed to sit there and know your worth quietly, without making waves, without making anyone, god forbid, uncomfortable. When your identity has been marginalized in this country, you do not have the luxury of “being humble”.

You have to tell people who you are and let them know your receipts. And it’s not bragging, it’s stating facts.

I think it is well past time we let that “be humble” narrative go because that sh*t leads to minimizing yourself and playing small. The system was not built to give us money, power, or respect…but it’s ours for the taking.
Some of you reading this probably fall into one of three categories…

The first? 

You’ve been slaying at your 9 to 5….AND you know you are overworked and underpaid. You know that something bigger exists but you’re not quite sure exactly what it looks like. But you do know that you won’t find it in your school district. 

What about that second category?

You’ve stumbled into education consulting. You’ve never once done any advertising for yourself. All of your clients have come to you by word of mouth, by referrals (which in and of itself is a powerful thing, because that means you’ve built trust and receipts in what you’re bringing to the table) but you know what that leaves you? It leaves you at the mercy of referrals and I don’t want you to be at the mercy of anyone, I want you to be the one calling all the shots.

And the third?

You’ve had one 6-figure client for the last 3-5 years. They trust you, they know you, and they love what you do. But what happens if that one client changes their mind?

You don't have to live in fear of that possibility, you don’t have to continue to hope people will continue to spread the word of how you’re killin’ it.

It’s time to call in the money, power, and respect you are owed.

You’ve been in the education game for a minute, and while you’ve gotten a taste of what’s out there, you’re afraid to shoot for more, because, what if you fail and you’re back to square one?

The idea of switching things up can be scary, but the results? 

Feeling fulfilled ✔️

Your impact taking on a new life ✔️✔️

Adding a few extra zeroes into your bank account ✔️✔️✔️

But how are you going to make it happen?
Well, here’s the good news…

You don’t have to do it alone and I want to help you.

Some of you reading this probably fall into one of three categories…

The first? 

You’ve been slaying at your 9 to 5….AND you know you are overworked and underpaid. You know that something bigger exists but you’re not quite sure exactly what it looks like. But you do know that you won’t find it in your school district. 

What about that second category?

You’ve stumbled into education consulting. You’ve never once done any advertising for yourself. All of your clients have come to you by word of mouth, by referrals (which in and of itself is a powerful thing, because that means you’ve built trust and receipts in what you’re bringing to the table) but you know what that leaves you? It leaves you at the mercy of referrals and I don’t want you to be at the mercy of anyone, I want you to be the one calling all the shots.

And the third?

You’ve had one 6-figure client for the last 3-5 years. They trust you, they know you, and they love what you do. But what happens if that one client changes their mind?

You don't have to live in fear of that possibility, you don’t have to continue to hope people will continue to spread the word of how you’re killin’ it.

It’s time to call in the money, power, and respect you are owed.

You’ve been in the education game for a minute, and while you’ve gotten a taste of what’s out there, you’re afraid to shoot for more, because, what if you fail and you’re back to square one?

The idea of switching things up can be scary, but the results? 

Feeling fulfilled

Your impact taking
on a new life

Adding a few extra zeroes into your
bank account

But how are you going to make it happen?
Well, here’s the good news…

You don’t have to do it alone and I want to help you.

My name is

Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas!

I am a former high school math teacher and principal and the Founder & CEO of EJT Education Group. 

I created Six-Figure Educator™ to help educators who are ready to experience their next level, gather the tools they need to be able to secure clients and their future. I help entrepreneurs get to where they want and deserve to be, with the support and resources they won’t find anywhere else.

You might be wondering if what I’m offering is worth your time and money, and you know what? 

My bank account would say yes. 

My business has made a million dollars in a year and I don’t plan on stopping there.

I know what I have to offer is too good to keep to myself, so I’m not going to. In fact, I’m planning on bringing it…


I’m excited to announce that your girl is going on tour this summer to share how to make success on your own terms a reality. 

If you’ve been doubting your worth, your offers, and your ability to make it happen, stop it and get ready to take your biz to a whole new level. 

The only thing holding you back is you, and we’re not about that staying stagnant life, so let’s get a move on!


Money, Power, Respect:
The 7-FigurED Blueprint Tour

For way too long on my journey, I believed the lie that most of us do when we start.

“As educators, we didn’t get in it for the money…”

Do you want to know what I have to say in response? 
Money is a source of power and when good people get more money they do good things. 

We’re telling kids their power and potential are limitless, but we don’t buy what we’re selling. 

We’re hoping for a change to happen, but we aren’t working effectively to make it happen. 
Remember what I said earlier? All the things we know we are owed are ours for the taking. But guess what? It’s more than just saying “I want this.” It’s about creating these things for yourself. 

It’s about fully embracing the fact that you’re ready for more and you’re tired of busting your ass.
It’s about being done with settling for less because you don’t want to be disappointed and realizing there is so much more out there for you and your business than you’ve previously believed.

I want you to join me and other badass educators and entrepreneurs of color who are ready to take their businesses to a brand new level and change their lives in this bold and jam packed four-hour in-person workshop. We’re not just dreaming about a six-figure business because we know we're going to get there. The new goal?


Because a)Six-figures really doesn’t mean ish these days (hello, taxes) and b) a seven-figure business is not beyond your reach. 

I’ve seen it, and soon you’ll see it too. 

And before you say, “Dr. Erica, I don’t want to come off as arrogant,” it’s not arrogance if you 
know what you’re doing and got the receipts to back it up. That, my friend, is called 
“Queen Bey level confidence.” That’s the kind of vibe that only comes when you have

So let’s step into it and own it.


Money, Power, Respect:
The 7-FigurED Blueprint Tour

For way too long on my journey, I believed the lie that most of us do when we start.

“As educators, we didn’t get in it for the money…”

Do you want to know what I have to say in response? 
Money is a source of power and when good people get more money they do good things. 

We’re telling kids their power and potential are limitless, but we don’t buy what we’re selling. 

We’re hoping for a change to happen, but we aren’t working effectively to make it happen. 
Remember what I said earlier? All the things we know we are owed are ours for the taking. But guess what? It’s more than just saying “I want this.” It’s about creating these things for yourself. 

It’s about fully embracing the fact that you’re ready for more and you’re tired of busting your ass.


It’s about being done with settling for less because you don’t want to be disappointed and realizing there is so much more out there for you and your business than you’ve previously believed.

I want you to join me and other badass educators and entrepreneurs of color who are ready to take their businesses to a brand new level and change their lives in this bold and jam packed four-hour in-person workshop. We’re not just dreaming about a six-figure business because we know we're going to get there. The new goal?


Because a)Six-figures really doesn’t mean ish these days (hello, taxes) and b) a seven-figure business is not beyond your reach. 

I’ve seen it, and soon you’ll see it too. 

And before you say, “Dr. Erica, I don’t want to come off as arrogant,” it’s not arrogance if you 
know what you’re doing and got the receipts to back it up. That, my friend, is called 
“Queen Bey level confidence.” That’s the kind of vibe that only comes when you have

So let’s step into it and own it.

Here are all the deets:

Where's it happening?

ATL → Saturday, June 10th, 2023 from 9am-1pm EST
Chicago → Saturday, June 17th, 2023 from 9am-1pm CST 
Charlotte → Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 from 9am-1pm EST 
NYC → Saturday, July 29th, 2023 from 9am-1pm EST


Frequently Asked Questions:

I bought a ticket and now I can’t make it. Can I get a refund?

All tickets are nonrefundable and non-transferable. 

Can I attend a workshop even if I don’t live in that city?


Frequently Asked Questions:

I bought a ticket and now I can’t make it. Can I get a refund?

All tickets are nonrefundable and non-transferable. 

Can I attend a workshop even if I don’t live in that city?

It’s time to stop dreaming small. It’s time to stop settling. And it’s about damn time to stop making money  just to pay the bills and to start making your money move.

I can’t wait to see you in person because we are going to be talking about some badass, life-changing, grownup sh*t, and I don’t want you to miss out on a single moment of it. 
This is the era when you step into your fullest power
and take control of your future.


Get Your Ticket

 Saturday, June 10th, 2023 from 9am-1pm EST 
 Saturday, June 17th, 2023 from 9am-1pm CST 
Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 from 
9am-1pm EST 
 Saturday, July 29th, 2023 from 
9am-1pm EST
It’s time to stop dreaming small. It’s time to stop settling. And it’s about damn time to stop making money  just to pay the bills and to start making your money move.

I can’t wait to see you in person because we are going to be talking about some badass, life-changing, grownup sh*t, and I don’t want you to miss out on a single moment of it. 
This is the era when you step into your fullest power
and take control of your future.